So after having an idea about pay structure in UK , How much I am going to be spending ? Accommodation : Renting any accommodation can vary from 500-2000 GBP per month , Because it depends on location and what sort...
Some basic facts about NHS pay I will just roughly tell you take home monthly salary for different levels after deducting tax and pension, (what does each level mean , check my other posts for that). This is just a rough...
Some important points about working hours in UK. Most of the Non training job contracts come with on call commitments. (Check other posts to see difference between training and non training post).But you can look for non training jobs without on...
I passed my PLAB 1 March 2018. I prepared for 3 months during my OBGYN rotation in housejob. The PLAB examination is not about specialty exam , It is just a UK entrance Exam. I know that you know that but...
This post is generally for all IMG females (either doctors or wives of doctors). I so wanted to write this post because from where I come from , health system is totally different and it causes so much anxiety when it...
I will be sharing some points regarding our visa application for my new job. I am starting an OBGYN training job 04/08/2021. For the Training job application process check other posts. I received my training job offer 30/4/2021 on oriel. I...
I want to highlight the importance of reference in the NHS or let’s say generally in the UK. Whenever you are starting a job, opening a bank account, letting property people here would want someone to be a referee for you....
So I am writing this post on 19th July 2021 which is almost mid of year. Temperature today is nearly 31C. Well they say you can see all four seasons in one day in England and that is true. It can...
With regards to my previous post travelling from UK to Pakistan now it’s time to return back. I needed to get same negative covid swab PCR 72 hours before travelling, I got mine done from Shaukat Khanum Hospital drive-thru service Johar...
I have travelled from London Heathrow to Lahore Pakistan on round trip from 26-01-2021 to 20-02-21 via Virgin airline direct flight.I want to share some information. Who can travel ?? Only essential travel from UK is allowed. I had some family...