General Information about Pregnancy in UK
This post is generally for all IMG females (either doctors or wives of doctors). I so wanted to write this post because from where I come from , health system is totally different and it causes so much anxiety when it comes to pregnancy.
In UK , If you are pregnant you can get 1 year maternity leave either paid or unpaid. You need to check your trust’s policy for that. You get paid leave if you have worked in NHS for 1 year regardless you have Tier2 visa or ILR (what I have seen in few trust’s policy).
If you are pregnant , you need to book yourself with your local midwife either directly or ask your GP surgery to give you a number to contact. Once you have informed midwife , they give you appointment (now a days telephonic) between 8 to 12 weeks. In that appointment they take history and do basic blood and urine test , observations and book you for dating scans between these weeks.
You would not get any early scans or BHCG unless you are having abnormal bleeding in pregnancy or abdominal pain to confirm location or viability of pregnancy.
If you are having abnormal bleeding or abdominal pain you contact your GP or early pregnancy unit of your local hospital so they can see you but if you think you need to see someone out of hours you go to A&E.
1 out of every 5 pregnancy ends up in miscarriage. That is sad outcome but if that happens you can ask for some leave from work (sick leave or compassionate leave), speak to your manager, they are kind.
Up till 20 weeks of pregnancy if you have any pregnancy related issues either you contact GP/early pregnancy unit. if you are above 20 weeks and there is any pregnancy related issue contact your midwife/ labor ward.
you will have regular midwife appointments but if you have any risk factors (health conditions/high risk history) your midwife will refer you to obstetrics consultant and you will be under obstetric care. Low risk pregnancy is seen by midwifery. But when you are in labor there is obstetric team on call who discuss your management plan with midwives and if needed they are there.
I hope that was helpful. I am happy to answer any concerns !