How to secure first job in UK?

We keep hearing ‘There are no jobs for junior doctors’ . Well , I would not say that is quite true. We are always needing more doctors and we do see lots of new doctors joining from all over the world. But securing first job in uk is bit challenging due to lack of knowledge and experience.

You should work on following points:
– If you are flexible and are not highly trained professional back home, apply for more than one fields! For example: you are keen to join obgyn training , but you should apply for any speciality to gain experience and knowledge.
– Apply for wider areas , do not just stick with bigger cities – London, Manchester , Birmingham. After few months in nhs , it will become alot easier to secure a job in your desired area and field.
– Focus on quality of your application , not just quantity , like people say I have submitted 100 applications but did not get any response ! For example : Read person specifications carefully and fill in your application accordingly , No grammar mistakes,Do not over complicate your application by AI tools or anything , Find key words in job advert/ person specifications and write your personal statements accordingly .
– Do not show over qualifications in your application , for example: F2 job in OBGYN does not want anyone who can do placenta previa C-Section independently etc! They are looking for F2 level so you need to go back to job advert and write ‘personal statement’ accordingly!
– Even if you have more experience back home , it is always good idea to spend few months at junior post to get an idea about system (as per my personal experience , I started as F1 and I do not regret it)
– Lastly , Clinical attachments: I would say , if you have an opportunity , You should do it , But spending 500-1000 pounds in your struggling phase without a promising job at end of attachment is not worth it !

If you have any questions or comments , Please contact us on insta page.


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